
文學有永恆的價值。文學的意義存在於文本內;不須放在社會、政治、文學史、作者生平等脈絡下研究。因此﹐文本需要細讀。人性基本上是不改變的。每個人都有其獨特本質。,liberalhumanism.ThehistoryofEnglishstudies.Itisdifficulttounderstandliberalhumanism(thatis,thetraditionalapproachtoEnglishstudies,see ...,Liberalhumanismcanbedefinedasaphilosophicalandliterarymovementinwhichmanandhiscapabilitiesarethecentr...

4.自由人本主義Liberal Humanism

文學有永恆的價值。 文學的意義存在於文本內;不須放在社會、政治、文學史、作者生平等脈絡下研究。 因此﹐文本需要細讀。 人性基本上是不改變的。 每個人都有其獨特本質。

[PDF] Theory before 'theory'

liberal humanism. The history of English studies. It is difficult to understand liberal humanism (that is, the traditional approach to English studies, see ...

An Introduction to Liberal Humanism

Liberal humanism can be defined as a philosophical and literary movement in which man and his capabilities are the central concern . It can also be defined as a system of historically changing views that recognizes the value of the human being as an

[PDF] liberal humanism

Liberal humanism came into existence from a long time back in the history of literary criticism. Its main focus on literature and the study of man is the ...

The Myth of Liberal Humanism

Liberal humanism has comprised the mainstream philosophies of the bourgeois Enlightenment, such as rationalism, empiricism and utilitarianism.

【文學理論筆記】Theory before theory: liberal humanism

Ten tenets of liberal humanism: Literary theorising from Aristotle to Leavis, Liberal humanism in practice, The transition to theory.

Ten Tenets of Liberal Humanism

We are back to summarize the ten tenets which according to Barry “are the values and beliefs which formed the subject's (theory) half-hidden curriculum”.

Liberal Humanism, Social Science, and the Discursive Legacy of the ...

[1] I follow Kandice Chuh's (2018) definition of liberalism as “the notion that goodness, prosperity, and freedom follow from humanity's constitution by ...

[PDF] liberal humanism

Together, ideas like these, and the literary practice which went with them, are now often referred to as 'liberal humanism'. Literary theorising from ...

Liberal Humanism in a Nutshell

Liberal humanists believe that humans possess free will and should be able to express their perspective in everything from art to politics.